Bondi House Vet
Bondi House Vet
Personalised care at home for the ones that matter most

Personalised care at home, for the ones that matter most.

Dr Rafael Dye’s mobile vet service based in Sydney’s eastern suburbs and servicing surrounding suburbs.

Provides all house call services including:

  • Unwell pet examinations

  • Vaccinations and checkups

  • At home care after hospital or surgery

  • End of life care

  • Medications and blood tests

  • Emergency callouts

Give them the best professional care, from the comfort of home.


Open 7 days from 11am

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How It Started

Growing up in rural Auckland set me up for a lifetime helping animals. I shared my childhood with dogs, cats, goats, chickens, and a paddock full of horses. As a kid I spent many years with Vets and helping in the clinic. I had an early passion for animals and the natural sciences, and as a vet I feel deeply privileged to help people in my work.

More Recently

I got my start working in rural Victoria doing lots of surgeries and emergency calls. Since moving to Sydney, I’ve worked in some of the city’s best clinics including North Shore Veterinary Specialist Centre, and the University Teaching Hospital in Camperdown. My main interests are in the fields of surgery and anaesthesia, and I’ve undertaken further training in these areas. In addition to my mobile work, I also do surgery and consult at several hospitals in the eastern suburbs (Rose Bay, Double Bay and Randwick). In 2018 Bondi House Vet was awarded the Waverley Local Business Award for Outstanding Pet Care.

The At-Home Experience

No stressful car rides and no busy waiting rooms. I provide personalised care while your pet is completely comfortable at home. I’ll arrive fully equipped, and make sure your pet’s experience is a happy one.

Clinic Support Team

We are very lucky to have Nurse Lisa assisting with bookings, and follow-up care. Coming from extensive experience in many clinics, Nurse Lisa has an amazing ability to help both animals and people.


House Calls

Cats and dogs are more relaxed at home, without the stress of the car and the clinic. Dr Rafael Dye’s fully equipped mobile service can treat all of the common problems your pet may have:

  • Itchy skin and ears

  • Upset tummy, vomiting and diarrhoea

  • Geriatric checkups

  • Limping, bleeding and other injuries

  • Lumps and bumps

  • Home palliative care, including euthanasia at home

  • Changes in behaviour

  • Increased sleeping or drinking

  • Medications and blood tests

Please use the online booking system to make an appointment. We will give you a call or text message when your booking is received to confirm the arrival time, and answer any questions you may have.



Vaccines are an important way to keep your pet safe.

Most dogs in Sydney get a vaccine for parvovirus every one to three years, and an annual vaccination for Kennel cough. Cats usually get a vaccination against cat flu and parvovirus annually, although in some cases (Indoor only cats) this is only needed every three years.

Vaccination always comes with a complete physical exam and health check, including dental and heart checks. Vaccination is still recommended annually, but there are other options depending on your pet’s specific environment or immunity. To find out if your pet is due for a vaccination, feel free to send us a message.

End Of Life Care

With old age your pet may need more frequent vet visits. This can be divided into 3 stages:

  • Geriatric care:
    When exactly your pet is considered to be of “old age” will depend on their size and breed. Some large dogs might be considered old at 10 years, whereas old cats are usually closer to 20. Old age care usually means regular blood tests, and careful attention to oral health and mobility. Arthritis is very common in older pets and there are lots of excellent medications that can help with this.

  • Palliative care:
    This is when your pet has a serious medical condition that cannot be cured, so we provide nursing care and medications to make them as comfortable as possible. With good veterinary care your pet can live happily for an extended period.

  • End of life care and Home euthanasia:
    If your pet has a very reduced quality of life and no cure is possible, then end of life care followed by euthanasia might be the best option. Making this decision is always tough, and should happen after thoughtful discussion with the vet. The vet will also need to examine the animal carefully to make sure the diagnosis is correct.

During this delicate and important stage of your pet’s life please contact us to discuss all the options.


Emergency Service

If your animal is bleeding or having trouble breathing or has collapsed, then visit or contact the vet immediately

If your pet is unwell but you’re not sure if its an emergency, we can provide urgent callouts near east Sydney. If your regular vet clinic is closed, or you don’t have transport, we may be able to provide a late call-out before 10pm

The emergency hospitals we refer to are:

  • Sydney Veterinary Emergency and Specialists (SVES in Roseberry)

  • North Shore Vet hospital (NSVH in Crows nest)

  • University Vet Teaching Hospital (UVTHS in Camperdown)

  • Small Animal Specialist Hospital (SASH in North Ryde)






ph: 0414 222 008, please leave a voicemail if we are unable to pick up, and we will call you back.